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Call me crazy, but sometimes I feel like I’m saving lives. Using my fitness and health program, my clients have completely turned their lives around. Take a look at the following reviews


🍭 Calories in are not the calories out 🍭

There are a lot of factors that explain why calories IN doesn’t = calories OUT 🙅🏼‍♀️

Things like TEF (The thermic effect) of food is how much energy the body uses digesting & storing the food you eat e.g. 🥑 fat 0-3% while 🍗 protein 20-30% 👉🏽



Then, processed/cooked food changes the structure & number of calories available to the body 🍳

So, it could be the same two meals but prepared in a different way 👨‍🍳 thus calories left for use greatly different.

What if the Deficit Doesn’t Exist?

So, you think you are in a calorie deficit, but actually, not really. Or maybe it’s not enough, or maybe it’s only 5 times a week? And honestly? It’s pretty easy to overestimate your food eaten or calories burned.


What about that sneaky wine glass or 2? That little nut bar that you forgot when you were counting calories? And yes, alcohol has almost twice the calories when compared to carbs or protein.


Have a smart plan and stick to it.

Prepare meals + snacks in advance and be ready when the hunger hits you, not just on the week days but on the weekends or “I’ve no time” days, too.

Unfortunately, some medications like antidepressants (D.K. Hall-Flavin2018)5 or health issues like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and even Menopause can stop you from losing weight (S. Watson 2020)6.

If you can change it – do it, if not – accept it. How the best you can help your body is certainly not putting on a diet but trying to fix the underlying health issue. I’m not a doctor and unfortunately, I cannot give you result to this.

Interested in your own personalised training and nutrition program? Fill the consultation form now:

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